YCT Urges Senators to Support S.B. 362 (Voter ID)
Young Conservatives of Texas urges every senator to support S.B. 362 to protect the integrity of our elections.
Requiring voters to present a photo ID at the polls is a sensible and manageable requirement that will help to decrease fraud in our elections. Americans are asked to present photo identification every day; to board an airplane, to get a job, or even to rent a movie.
Opponents of voter ID proposals will claim that there has been very little recorded fraud in Texas elections and thus there is no need for this legislation. Do not let them fool you!
Currently, there is no way to know how much fraud takes place in our elections. When voters go to the polls, they are merely required to present a voter registration certificate. As long as that certificate matches the voter rolls, the person is checked off and allowed to vote. There is literally no way of knowing whether the person voting is the person they claim to be.
Additionally, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that maintaining the appearance of legitimacy in our electoral process is just as important as eliminating real fraud. There is little doubt that Texans have lost confidence in our elections in recent years. Requiring a photo ID would not only eliminate fraud; it would help restore confidence in our democracy.
Opponents claim that the legislation would impair the voting rights of minorities and other protected classes of voters. These claims have been refuted. The US Supreme Court has determined in the case of Marion Co. v. Board of Elections that requiring a voter to present a government issued photo ID does not place an undue burden on their ability to vote.
YCT urges passage of S.B. 362.
For more information about Young Conservatives of Texas or their legislative agenda, please visit www.yct.org or contact Vice Chairman for Legislative Affairs Tony McDonald. Mr. McDonald can be reached at [email protected] or (512) 923-6893.