YCT Urge Governor Perry to Support Limited Government in McAllen by Signing SB978
May 27, 2011
Contact: Tony McDonald, Senior Vice Chairman
Mobile: (512) 923-6893
Email: [email protected]
Austin, TX — Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) urges Governor Rick Perry to sign into law, SB 978, which allows the City of McAllen to dissolve the Hidalgo County Water Improvement District #3 (HCWID3) and assume operations.
This bill effectively eliminates an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, as the HCWID3 has outlived its purpose. Furthermore, 94% of the HCWID3’s funding comes from McAllen taxpayers, yet the majority of McAllen citizens do not have a vote in the election of the board, nor can the board.
“This bill and its background show exactly what happens when government is not accountable to the people. SB978 removes a tax that is being forced on landowners and creates a more limited and open government for the people of the City of McAllen,” said Tony McDonald, YCT Senior Vice Chairman.
SB978 is a local bill that will eliminate a statutory flat tax that is being forced on landowners in the district. During House Committee testimony, Virginia Townsend testified in support of the bill, she is the owner of the largest piece of agricultural land in the district.
YCT is also concerned with conflicts of interest within the HCWID3. The board has forced the City of McAllen to purchase land for exorbitant sums of money, land that not coincidentally is owned by members of the HCWID3 board.
Supporting this bill will ensure that the McAllen taxpayers have an accountable, smaller and more open government. YCT urges Governor Perry to sign the legislation.
Young Conservatives of Texas has been promoting conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The state’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 18 legislative sessions. To learn more about YCT, their ratings, or for information on joining, please visit www.yct.org.