YCT Support Legislation Banning “Naked Scanners” and “Groping Pat-Downs” in Texas Airports
For Immediate Release
March 16, 2011
Contact Tony McDonald, Senior Vice Chairman
Mobile: (512) 923-6893
Email: [email protected]
Austin, TX —Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced today their support for House Bills 1937 and 1938, both filed by Representative David Simpson (R-Longview). House Bill 1937 would create criminal penalties for the offensive touching of persons seeking access to public buildings and transportation. The bill would effectively prohibit Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) agents from conducting enhanced pat-downs which have been described as “groping” by some travelers. House Bill 1938 would prohibit whole-body scanners, often referred to as “naked scanners” in Texas Airports.
“The TSA has stepped beyond its mandate to protect American travelers and is now engaged in practices which invade the privacy and dignity of Texas citizens,” commented Tony McDonald, YCT Senior Vice Chairman. “Our mothers, daughters, and wives should not be subjected to groping pat-downs which would be illegal in any other setting or body scanners which reveal their unclothed bodies in order to fly.”
Under current TSA procedures, selected passengers are allowed to refuse the whole-body scan, but must alternatively go through the intrusive pat-down. These changes to airport security took place across the country in March 2010, when the TSA began deploying advanced imaging technology units purchased with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. Through the use of x-rays, the machines penetrate the traveler’s clothing, revealing the contours of their bodies. If the traveler opts for the alternative pat-down procedure, a TSA agent touches their breasts and pelvic genitalia as part of the search.
“YCT praises Representative David Simpson and the other Representatives who have signed onto his bill,” added Mr. McDonald. “We need more legislators who will fight to defend the rights of Texans against invasive and unnecessary bureaucracy.”
Young Conservatives of Texas is the largest grassroots political youth organization in the Lone Star State and has been promoting conservatism for over three decades. YCT has chapters at universities across Texas and alumni involved in all levels of politics. Young Conservatives of Texas produces the state’s most respected legislative ratings and have done so without interruption since 1975. To learn more about YCT, their chapters, their ratings, or for information on joining visit www.yct.org.