YCT Joins Grassroots Conservatives in Calling for Conservative Leadership in the Texas House
November 4, 2010
Honorable Members
Texas House of Representatives
Austin, Texas
Dear Honorable Members and Members-Elect,
Tuesday night’s resounding victory by conservatives in Texas and around the nation was not the result of any particular politician or group. It was the result of citizens rising up and making their voices clearly heard and it should be taken for precisely what it is: a mandate for conservative policy leadership.
The victory of nearly two dozen new conservative Republican legislators reflects the mood of Texas voters on the state’s critical issues. It was a clarion call for conservative leadership in the Texas House – leadership that has been absent the past two years. This desire for conservative leadership must be reflected from the Office of the Speaker to every committee chairmanship.
A change to a more conservative Speaker is in order. The voters who labored hard for this conservative majority expect it to diligently represent their conservative values.
Texans voted with the expectation they would see meaningful change for their businesses and families. The same conservative voters who made this near-supermajority possible will be just as engaged in the months ahead, as they have been leading up to Victory Night. These voters will be watching and actively participating.
We urge you take time to ask your constituents – the people who walked your precincts and made calls to their neighbors; the people who voted for you – what kind of person they want serving as the state’s third-ranking constitutional officer, and what kind of committee chairs they expect. It is their right to be involved and engaged in this important decision.
We look forward to working with this reinvigorated conservative majority throughout the coming legislative session!
Michael Quinn Sullivan
President, Empower Texans
Peggy Venable
Americans for Prosperity – Texas Director
Kelly Shackelford, Esq.
President & CEO, Liberty Institute
Tim Lambert
President, Home School Coalition
Elizabeth Graham
Director, Texas Right to Life
Richard Ford
President, Heritage Alliance
Peter Morrison
The Peter Morrison Report
David Barton
President, WallBuilders
Former Vice Chair, Republican Party of Texas
Felicia Craven
Houston Tea Party
Greg Holloway
Board member, Austin Tea Party Patriots
Cathie Adams
Former Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
Texas Eagle Forum, Legislative Liaison
Toby Marie Walker
President, Waco Tea Party
Jason Moore
State Republican Executive Committee
Tony McDonald
Senior Vice Chair, Young Conservatives of Texas
Lou Ann Anderson
Creator, EstateofDenial.com
Lee Barlow
President, Erath 9-12 Project
Tammy Blair
Chair-Tyler Tea Party
Konni Burton
Vice President, NE Tarrant Tea Party
Pat Carlson
President, Texas Eagle Forum
Angela Cox
President, Johnson County Tea Party
Rachel Delgado
President, Galveston County TEA Party
Julie Drenner
The Heartland Institute, Texas Director
Ken Emanuelson
Board Member, Dallas Tea Party
Carol Everett
Founder and CEO, The Heidi Group
Rebecca Forest
Executive Director, Texas Alliance for America Legal Defense & Education Fund
Suzanne Guggenheim
Founder, The Woodlands Tea Party Society
Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC
Jennifer Heiden
President, Katy Tea Party
Ann Hettinger
Texas State Director, Concerned Woman for America
Margaret Hotze
Legislative Director, Life Advocates
James V. Long
Vice President, McKinney Tea Party
Maria G. Martinez
Exec. Dir., Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas
Sharon Hall
Supporter, San Antonio Tea Party
Donna McClure
Corpus Christi Tea Party/ 9-12 Project
Jodi Maner
President, Amarillo Tea Party Patriots
Lorie Medina
Co-Leader, Frisco Tea Party
Charles Molyneaux
Board Member, Allen Area Patriots
Cyndi Ortiz
President of Macdaddy Campaign Network
Rena Peden
State Republican Executive Committee
Katrina Pierson
Dallas Tea Party
Russell J. Ramsland, Jr.
Leader – Dallas Tea Party
Jonathan Saenz, Esq.
Director of Legislative Affairs, Liberty Institute
Rick Scarborough
President, Vision America Action
Michael Smith
Executive VP, Heritage Alliance
Dave Welch
Executive Director, Texas Pastor Council
Louise Whiteford
President, Texans for Immigration Reform, Inc
Elizabeth Wooldridge
President, Odessa Tea Party
* organizations listed for description.