YCT Honors North Texas Republicans for High Scores on Legislative Ratings
AUSTIN, TX—Young Conservatives of Texas released their annual scorecard of the Legislative Session on January 6, 2010.
“Some North Texas Republicans scored exceptionally well and we want to give them special recognition for standing up for conservative principles,” said Laura Elizabeth Morales, Senior Vice Chairman.
“State Representatives Ken Paxton and Jodie Laubenberg led the State House of Representatives and the North Texas delegation in the House with scores of 97 percent. These were the highest scores earned in YCT Legislative Ratings,” said Tony McDonald, Vice Chairman for Legislative Affairs.
McDonald continued, “We are especially pleased with Representative Ken Paxton for his hard work to advance conservative principles during his career. Since his first session in 2003, Ken Paxton has earned a career conservative rating of 95%, the highest overall score of any State Legislator over the same time period.”
“The Young Conservatives of Texas congratulates the North Texas delegation of Ken Paxton (97%), Jodie Laubenberg (97%), Tan Parker (94%), Dan Flynn (90%), and Larry Phillips (90%) for consistently standing up for conservative values in the State Legislature in 2009 and we thank them for their servant leadership,” concluded Laura Elizabeth Morales.
Since 1975, Young Conservatives of Texas has provided Texans with reviews of voting records of state legislators as a public service, the longest running and most respected Legislative Ratings in Texas. YCT strives to measure each representative and senator’s fidelity to conservative principles.
Visit https://www.yct.org/ratings to view the complete set of legislative ratings.