YCT Endorses Stuart Spitzer in House District 4
January 12, 2012
Contact: Tony McDonald, Senior Vice Chairman
Mobile: (512) 923-6893
Email: [email protected]
AUSTIN — Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) today endorsed Stuart Spitzer for Texas House District 4. Spitzer is challenging Lance Gooden, a freshman whose first session left much to be desired from conservatives across Texas.
“This election gives conservatives an opportunity to remove a moderate freshman who, though he ran on a message of fighting against the status quo, has shown to enjoy the voting habits of an established politician,” said Tony McDonald, YCT’s Senior Vice Chairman. “The voters of House District 4 have a true patriot in Dr. Stuart Spitzer.”
Spitzer commented on the endorsement, saying “I’m grateful to receive the endorsement of one of the leading conservative organizations in Texas. Our message of truly balancing the budget, fighting the gambling interests in Texas, and protecting unborn life is resonating with the voters of District 4.”
YCT’s State Chairman, Jeff Morris, noted the comparison between the two candidates. “On one hand you have a hand picked establishment politician who’s shown a habit of going along to get along and on the other hand you have a Doctor, devoted husband and father who has been giving back to the community for years.”
“Dr. Stuart Spitzer will stand for conservative principles across the board. The voters of east Texas are lucky to have such an outstanding candidate.” Morris concluded.
Young Conservatives of Texas has been promoting conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The state’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 19 legislative sessions. To learn more about YCT, their ratings, or for information on joining, please visit www.YCT.org.