YCT Endorses Quico Canseco
(Austin, TX) The Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT), a non-partisan grassroots political organization, announce their endorsement of Francisco "Quico" Canseco for United States Congress in Congressional District 23.
"The Young Conservatives of Texas are proud to support Quico Canseco," said Laura Elizabeth Morales, Senior Vice Chairman. "We believe Quico is the right man to represent the citizens of district 23 and he is a strong advocate for limited government and the free market. Quico will represent real Texan values in Washington."
Members of YCT endorse candidates based on personal interviews, extensive research and detailed questionnaires.
“I am very proud to have received the endorsement of the Young Conservatives of Texas. We agree that our country should be focused on small and limited government. Fighting for free markets not government run socialized programs that will only raise taxes and hurt small businesses in America. YCT is providing a voice and an organization to support like-minded conservative youth across Texas that too often are drowned out in the political process and I am excited to work with them in my campaign for the Texas 23rd Congressional district," said Canseco.
YCT, which was founded in 1980, issues the most recognized ratings of the state legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the last 15 sessions. YCT has chapters at the University of Texas at Austin, Baylor University, Texas State University, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas Tech University and the University of Houston.