YCT Announces Legislative Priorities

Press Releases / January 3, 2023

Kevin Crusius
Political Director, Young Conservatives of Texas
[email protected]
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) Announces Legislative Agenda for the 88th Texas Legislative Session 
AUSTIN, TX — Today, the Young Conservatives of Texas are proud to announce the release of our legislative agenda and priorities for the 88th Legislative Session, which can be viewed here. The agenda and priorities are released before each session to guide legislators to support legislation that promotes our conservative principles. The agenda and priorities directly influence our legislative ratings. 

YCT’s top 10 priorities are:

  1. Ban public colleges from requiring students, faculty, and staff to affirm an ideology.
  2. Defund Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments and other woke bureaucratic offices at public colleges.
  3. Stop the increase in tuition at public colleges.
  4. Empower parents with full parental choice in education.
  5. Ban taxpayer-funded lobbying.
  6. No more cronyism—put an end to the government picking winners and losers in the market.
  7. Protect children from sexually explicit content.
  8. Ban doctors from performing so-called “gender transitions,” especially on children.
  9. Secure the border.
  10. Implement a path to eliminate property taxes.

“Our priorities present clear opportunities for the 88th Session to protect the Texas way of life: our freedom, our economy, and, most importantly, our faith and our families. Amidst a concerted effort from Leftist activists to destroy the Texas Miracle, I hope our Representatives and Senators act accordingly to keep Texas the greatest state in the nation.” – Kevin Crusius, YCT Political Director