YCT Announces Additional 2010 Primary Endorsements
(Austin, TX) The Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT), the most active youth organization in the state of Texas, with 30 years of activism and campaign experience, announce their additional endorsements for the 2010 primary cycle.
“These candidates are true conservative leaders who will represent the people of Texas well” said Laura Elizabeth Morales, YCT Senior Vice Chairman. “The Young Conservatives of Texas are proud to support this outstanding group and we look forward to helping them get elected.”
YCT currently boasts a half-dozen members or alumni in the legislature, as well as having elected two of its own to the U.S. Congress. The endorsement process involves research, interviews and voting by a committee of members.
“Candidates were selected after personal interviews, research into their records and detailed questionnaires,” said Tony McDonald, Vice Chairman of Legislative Affairs.
YCT, which was founded in 1980, issues the most recognized and respected ratings of the state legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the last 15 sessions. Utilizing this experience, YCT has selected candidates who will be effective legislators and who will promote conservative values in their respective offices. YCT has chapters at the University of Texas at Austin, Baylor University, Texas State University, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas Tech University and the University of Houston.