Will you be a victim?

Blog / April 24, 2009

The Young Conservatives of Texas debated the University Democrats at UT Austin last night over the concealed carry on campus bill…but this quote stood out to me:

“The University should be able to say that when you are on this campus that you are not responsible for protecting your life,” said University Democrats member Luis Soberon.

This is the logic the nanny state breeds.

I don’t know about you, UT students, but on my campus we have unarmed security guards who mostly help students cross the street, sit in golf carts and text message, or walk around the campus aimlessly.  When I get out of class at night and walk to my car by myself…it’s up to me to defend myself.  In fact, there’s been a shooting on campus and yet we still have no police on campus or armed guards.

When it comes to my safety…it’s up to me.  And even if we did have armed guards and a police squad on constant patrol, who’s to say they will make it in time to save my life?  No one.

You are responsible for your life.