April 12, 2017
Contact: Caroline Chadwick, State Chairman
Mobile: (512) 843-1980
Email: [email protected]
AUSTIN, TX – State Senator Van Taylor received the prestigious “Torch of Freedom” award from the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT). Last awarded in 2011, the “Torch of Freedom” honor is given to an individual who has made a significant impact by standing firm with their conservative values and promoting conservative thought. In the thirty-seven years since the founding of YCT, Taylor becomes just the sixth conservative to have earned this distinction.
In awarding Senator Taylor with the “Torch of Freedom,” former YCT President Jeff Morris stated, “Senator Taylor embodies everything conservatives can hope for from our elected leaders. He is fearless in defense of our values and incredibly effective in advancing of conservative solutions. YCT is very selective in awarding the Torch of Freedom, but we can think of no more deserving elected official than Senator Taylor. Thank you Van for leading the charge for the conservative cause.”
Senator Taylor thanked YCT for the honor and for their commitment to advancing conservative principles, “It is humbling to be considered for such a selective award. YCT represents the next generation of conservative leaders for Texas. The strength of YCT offers great optimism that our state will continue to shine as a beacon of freedom and opportunity for generations to come.”
Founded in 1980, YCT is a non-partisan conservative youth organization. YCT and its members participate in the entire spectrum of Texas politics, attempting to shape the policies of the state of Texas through a number of means including educating students and the public, advocating conservative fiscal and social policies, campus activism, campaigning for political candidates, and a highly respected rating of the Texas legislature.
A seventh generation Texan, local small businessman, and decorated Marine Officer, Van Taylor serves the majority of Collin County and a portion of Dallas County in the Texas Senate. Widely recognized as a conservative leader, Taylor has earned the “Taxpayer Champion” award from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, the “Courageous Conservative” award from Texas Conservative Coalition, was named a “Top-Rated Conservative” by the Texas Eagle Forum, selected to the “Honor Roll” by the Young Conservatives, and received an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association. Throughout his tenure in the Texas Legislature Taylor has consistently fought to rein in government spending, protect the Rainy Day fund, and stop the expansion of Obamacare in Texas. Van and his wife, Anne, married after his return from Iraq and are the proud parents of three young girls. Van and his family reside in Plano near the land his great-grandfather farmed during the Great Depression.
Young Conservatives of Texas is a non-partisan organization that has promoted conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The State’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 21 legislative sessions. For more information about YCT, please visit