Final Chance to Buy Convention Tickets!
Hello YCT Supporters,
Thank you so much for your continued support of our organization. Our convention is a mere four days away. At this convention our students will hear from conservative leaders Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Chip Roy, and Representative Mayes Middleton – all true warriors for liberty.
Today is the last day for you to join us in Austin. Ticket sales are final tonight at midnight. If you are interested in attending please click on this link. If you’re a sponsor, and have not redeemed your tickets for convention, please send Manfred an email at [email protected] to make sure you are taken care of. If you do not redeem your tickets today, you are not guaranteed food at convention. Seeing Senator Cruz and Steve Munisteri on Friday evening is just $50, and attending the gala dinner with Congressman Chip Roy and Representative Mayes Middleton starts at $75. Final sponsorships are also always appreciated even if you are unable to attend.
We look forward to all of us joining together in community to celebrate our conservative values and the success of YCT over the past two years.
Manfred Wendt
Executive Director