2012 Republican General Election Endorsements
UNITED STATES SENATE Senator: Ted Cruz CONGRESS TX-14: Randy Weber TEXAS STATE SENATE SD-8: Ken Paxton STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION District 1: Charlie Garza |
TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HD-8: No-endorsement* HD-14: John Raney HD-15 Steve Toth HD-17: Tim Kleinschmidt HD-23: Wayne Faircloth HD- 24: Greg Bonnen HD-26: Rick Miller HD-29: Ed Thompson HD-34: Connie Scott HD-43: J.M. Lozano HD-45: Jason Isaac HD-54: Jimmie Don Aycock HD-48: Robert Thomas HD-64: No-endorsement* HD-62: Larry Phillips HD-65: Ron Simmons HD-74: Thomas Kincaid HD-85: Phil Stephenson HD-93: Matt Krause HD-97: Craig Goldman HD-99: No-endorsement* HD-102: Stefani Carter HD-107: Kenneth Sheets HD-117: John Garza HD-125: Alma Jackson HD-134: No-endorsement* HD-135: Gary Elkins HD-136: Tony Dale HD- 144: David Pineda HD-149: Dianne WilliamsTEXAS RAILROAD COMMISSIONPlace 1: Christi Craddick |
*No Endorsement means YCT PAC was not able to ascertain enough information regarding the political philosophies of the candidates in the race or that of candidates reviewed or interviewed, none of the candidates were in agreement with the political philosophy of Young Conservatives of Texas. YCT PAC only endorses in contested elections.
Pol. Adv. Paid for by Young Conservatives of Texas PAC