Internship Spotlight: Sammantha Farnsworth at Texas Right to Life
Sammantha Farnsworth spent her summer interning in the legislative department of Texas Right to Life, the largest pro-life organization in Texas. She conducted research on bioethical issues such as embryonic stem cell research, wrote articles, visited legislators’ offices, and attended committee hearings. “This internship taught me a lot about how the legislative process works in…
Internship Spotlight: Jordan Lamb at Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women
Jordan Lamb is a rising junior at UT Austin and she interned in Washington, D.C. at the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women. “The experience I have gained has been unparalleled. One of the highlights was participating in an extensive gun training program, so everyone at the Center is capable and empowered to carry,…
YCT Class of 2020 Hiring Successes
Since the very beginning of my tenure as the Executive Director of the Young Conservatives of Texas, one of our top goals has been to ensure that YCT alumni graduate job-ready into positions that fit both their skillset and career aspirations. Thanks to supporters like you, YCT is able to equip these future conservative leaders…
Internship Spotlight: Julia Westwick at TPPF
Learn all about Julia Westwick and her summer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
Steve Munisteri
By Kasey Golden In July 2010 Steve Munisteri was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. Steve’s victory was the first time in recent history that a challenger, backed by a grassroots groundswell of support, had defeated a sitting chairman. YCT’s Historian, Kasey Golden, recently sat down with Mr. Munisteri to talk about YCT…